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Ethan Weber

PhD Student in CS @ Berkeley.
Previously BS and MEng in EECS @ MIT.

My Story


  • I'm currently pursuing a PhD at Berkeley advised by Professor Angjoo Kanazawa. I'm excited about extending 3D reconstruction techniques to casual data, such as mobile phone videos, TV shows, and cartoons. I believe that lifting non-traditional data to 3D unlocks new possibilities.

    At a higher level, I'm passionate about helping others with technological solutions, and I'm most interested in 3D computer vision with applications in augmented reality and robotics. I'm also intrigued by brain-related technology. Previously I was an undergraduate and Master's student at MIT. I was fortunate to work with and learn from Professor Antonio Torralba during this time.


    Project Portfolio

    Here are some projects I've done over the years, going as far back to my middle school years. Lately, most of passion projects have become research papers and are listed above. 😅


    Here is a collection of images to highlight the various experiences I've had. My CV has more details!

    Computer Vision

    Robotics Research

    Autonomous Cars

    FIRST Robotics

    SpecialX Director
    and Hardware Hackathon Organizer

    Contact Me

    I'm happy to chat, so please feel free to reach out! My contact information is located here.